SENIOR Graduation Guidelines

1. Conduct Guidelines - Graduation is the highlight of thirteen years of school and should be a happy and joyful occasion for all. by implementing guidelines, it is our hope the commencement program can be improved and that ALL students will have a successful and satisfying experience on this most important day. Participation in the commencement ceremony is a privilege not a right. Hopefully no graduate will have to be ejected because of his or her behavior. Its is unnecessary to itemize the kind of negative behavior unacceptable at the commencement ceremony. Any behavior which draws attention to you as an individual or detracts from the dignity of the ceremony will result in your exclusion from the ceremony.  We want our commencement to be special, we want it to have "class". Please do your part to make ours the best commencement possible at Mexico Senior High School. Should it be necessary for seniors to return to school after dismissal times, they are to report to the principal's office to secure permission before going to any other part of the building. Suspended students cannot participate in commencement. School sponsored senior functions cease as of your graduation.

2. Dress Guidelines -  Commencement marks the beginning of life after high school. This ceremony to commemorate the successful completion of the elementary and secondary experiences should be taken seriously. To help insure that graduation from MHS is treated with the respect its due, the following guidelines are presented. Participation in the cemmencement ceremony is a privilege not a right. Students must adhere to the following established dress code to be permitted to participate. Your cooperation is essential. The following guidelines explain what is expected. Not permitted are shorts, jeans, T-shirts, flip flops, extremely informal attire inappropriate for the occasion, or any decorations or deviation from the traditional cap and gown which whould draw undue attention to you. The administrators in charge will have the final decision in denying a graduate's participation due to inappropriate atttire. Don't embarrass yourself, our family and your school.

3. Indoor Graduation - Because of limited seating capacity of the gym, it is necessary to limit the number of guests each senior can invite to commencement exercises, if it is held indoors. The Public Safety Department has put a limit of 2400 people in the gym, therefore, each senior will have twelve tickets for persons he or she wishes to invite to graduation. In case of indoor graduation, admittance will be BY TICKET ONLY in the gym. Tickets will be issued for indoor commencement during practice to graduating seniors on Monday, May 10. DO NOT LOSE OR MISPLACE THESE TICKETS BECAUSE NO ADDITIONAL TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE.

4. Graduation Pictures - A class panorama, photo, graduation photo and ceremony video will be available for purchase therefore spectators will not be allowed onto the football field if graduation is outdoors or on the gym floor during indoor ceremony.